Who we are?
- The European Irrigation Association (EIA),registered in Brussels,is a non-profit-making organization, active since 1996, which represents irrigation professionals throughout Europe from the Agricultural and Landscape sectors. Our members are manufacturers, installers, contractors and distributors of irrigation equipment as well as researchers, designers and consultants.
- The EIA aim is to act as the leading voice of the Irrigation industry at the EU institutions and committees, promoting best-practices and the transfer of know-how in all matters relating to irrigation water management.
What we do?
- Promote a Sustainable Irrigation through the alignment to taxonomy outlining advanced water saving technologies, innovation in irrigation efficiency and best water conservation practices.
- Advocate sustainable industry standards and water management policies that will result in a stable legal environment for irrigation professionals.
- Legitimize the voice of the irrigation industry in the EU’s discussions on water and influence the European decision-makers by creating partnerships and alliances with other stakeholders, thus promoting our mutual interests.
Words from the President, Moshi Berenstein, Netafim
Global warming is increasing seasonal variability and uncertainty about water availability. In parallel, the growing population, food demand, agriculture, expanding cities and industrialization are exerting increasing pressure on water, and raising the need for sustainable water solution.
The European Irrigation Association joins forces to fight water scarcity by promoting the voice of resilient, sustainable and efficient irrigation solutions. With the dedication of EIA’s volunteering members together with internal and external specialties in water management – we create an impact for the future of our sector.
During the last 2 years we’ve welcomed many new members who joined us and today we are proud to represent 87 companies, manufacturers, distributors, installers, research institutions and individuals of all fields of irrigations who actively contribute to our common goal to advance sustainable irrigation in Europe.
The EIA creates its impact through the work of 6 Working Groups. A special activity this year 2023 led by our “sustainability WG” was the launch of an ambitious project called “Sustainable Irrigation & the EU Taxonomy “. This project addresses the most crucial challenges of water , bringing together irrigation activities and sustainable financing in Europe. We believe that the project will change that way irrigation is perceived, open new opportunities of green investments for our members and will take irrigation to the next level as an active part of the European sustainable economy.
We invite you to learn more about our activities and to join us in building the future of sustainable Irrigation!

Alienor :
The EIA is represented via a secretarial services arrangement with the Brussels based federation Alienor, (https://alienor.eu/) which represents Europe’s largest number of industry sectors and works with policy makers and stakeholders.
Code of Conduct :
EIA believes it is important that its activities are at all times carried out in accordance with the applicable law, especially competition law. We believe that business shall be conducted in an atmosphere of free competition, i.e. on the basis of price and quality. Our Code of Conduct shall be binding on all members as well as on other participants when taking part in activities of EIA.
Prohibited Topics :
Prohibited topics include Sale prices, price adjustments, discounts, mark-ups, specific customers, tenders, information about production, turnover, investments, or any commercially sensitive information…